Message from President Utecht: Like 9/11 Responders, COVID-19 Frontline Workers Deserve Our Honor and Respect


This September 11 we remember the frontline responders, many of whom paid the ultimate sacrifice for our country 20 years ago. I take time to honor and respect these workers’ dedication to help others in extremely dangerous and risky workplaces with the tragedies of 9/11. We remember, and we stand together in solidarity with the 9/11 responders and their families as working people.

The work that our entire union membership does as frontline essential workers is also risky, especially in this pandemic. We are grocery store workers, meatpackers, retail workers and healthcare workers. Our diversity is a part of our strength. I see and understand the risk you take and sacrifice you make on a daily basis during the COVID pandemic. Our UFCW family of frontline workers continue to have my deepest respect, and I honor the work that you do. 

While the pandemic is not over yet, we will get through it as we stand together in solidarity. I want you to know that I will continue to do everything within my power to make sure that our union members get the benefits and workplace safety you deserve because you have earned it simply by being human, and the work that you do uplifts the communities we serve. You motivate me to do my best. It truly moves my heart working for this great union membership each and every day.

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