Statement from UFCW Local 663 President Utecht in support of ISD 518 Bond Referendum


“Our union members work hard to raise our children and provide better lives for them through our UFCW Local 663 union jobs at JBS. Worthington is our home. I say it’s our home and it’s our children, because as members of the United Food and Commercial Workers Union, we are union family.

We’re proud to provide scholarships and sponsorships in Worthington for children’s activities that encourage positive brain and body development. We know that healthy kids help to develop deep community roots.

Our communities are a reflection of our values. We value these community connections. We also value the power of collective action for positive change. We see very clearly that it’s time to continue to invest in children and our families. After all, we’re neighbors.

We encourage members to vote YES on the ISD 518 three-question school bond referendum on November 5.”

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