Lisa Thoma

Meet new SW MN union rep, Lisa Thoma


My name is Lisa Thoma. I am from Worthington MN and I have worked at JBS since 1991. I have been a Union Steward for 28 years. I became the plant walking steward in 2010. My roles included helping members with their concerns in human resources, work environment and safety issues. I have also been an active member including president of the safety team that was stablished at the plant which included members and management.

I have been recognized at the plant level with awards one in particular is the simplicity award and how I do business.

I have been to various educational certifications throughout my career. I am certified in ergonomics, DuPoint safety training and various other trainings which included traveling to the corporate offices of JBS. Recently we have had specialized training on COVID-19 standards in the workplace which has helped educate the membership on safety protocols in regards to COVID.

I am a wife, mother and grandmother. My husband is Kim. My children as Chris, Amanda and Brittany. I am blessed with 6 grandchildren ranging from 17 months to 17 years.

I like to ride motorcycles. I also ride my bike and love walking with my dog. We enjoy family and friends. We love to go to music concerts from all music genres.

I love nature and am an active in helping the community on various things. This includes our neighbors and community activities.

I look forward to meeting fellow union members and growing with them in accomplishing the challenges set in front of us as a team. I plan to continue the relationship with integrity and credibility. I want to keep the open-door policy and let members know that they can trust me with their issues. I will continue to hold the confidentiality of issues at a high regard to all members.

This is exciting and I am looking forward to my new role within UFCW 663.

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